Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fiona Apple - Tidal


Fiona Apple rules, SHE RULES!

Ever since watching the video to 'Sleep to Dream' on MTV back in the day I have been captivated by her.  'Sleep to Dream' kicked ass.  It has this total retro-70s style going on, but the vibe still seemed very '90s-ish (note the lack of yellow smiley face...)

She has a musical style that is all her own that features piano-jazz mixed in with musical arrangements that feature some very unorthodox instrumentation.  Stuff like bells and chimes sometimes enter to help to create a fantastic atmosphere (one of my favorite things about her songs actually).

Normally I listen to guitar-driven rock, but occasionally I want something different and thank goodness that Apple is there to help fill that void!

In fact I like her so much that i saw her on tour in like 1997!

In fact there is a whole host of reasons I like Apple.  She is the same age as me and well, us Gen. Xers need to stick together, who else is going to listen to our music?  Boomers?  To ask is to laugh!  Millenials?  They are too much into Pop Tarts like Britney or Christina or dare I say it FREAKS like Lady Gaga (listen I am basically a Libertarian who thinks folks should be able to do what they please, but even Hard Harry412 has limits!!!)

Oh and also it doesn't hurt that Apple is totally crushable too with beautiful long hair and beautiful fair skin.  Sort of a Zoey Deshanel of the '90s one could say.

Then there is a whole 'nother reason (this post is getting long) and that is Apples general attitude.  She is sort of a miserableist like myself and Morrissey too.  Just read, and really listen to some of her lyrics!

Plus she TALKS HARD!  Just watch the video of her legendary speech at the MTV music awards in 1997!

'Tidal' is a mighty debut which features song after song of goodness.  Dang even most of the music videos are good too!  (Hard Harry412 has been meaning to link to more music videos....:)

There are really only two songs I dislike on here:

The first one, ironically is 'Criminal'.  Hey I was into Fiona Apple from seeing 'Sleep to Dream' on like 120 minutes way before 'Criminal' was ever released as a single.  I just don't care for the bass line (which seemingly makes up the majority of the song).  Then there is the mega-controversial video.  It has a very similar style to 'Sleep to Dream' but was just over-shadowed by the this controversy and  hey I dislike the actual song too as well so am just not into it.

The other song I don't really care for is 'The First Taste'.  That is ok though because I just kind of class it as a throw-away B-side and hey it was an attempt to make a cross-over dance-type song, it just kind of fails with me at that is all.

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